ROMA Insider - December 2021

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The pandemic presents municipal governments with new challenges every day.

And it is changing our world in fundamental ways.

Municipal leaders hardly have time to think strategically about the future.

That is why ROMA 2022 is so important. Themed Rural Opportunities, the virtual conference includes the launch of the ROMA Boards’ long-term strategy for rural Ontario. This work will shape ROMA’s advocacy during the upcoming provincial election and is intended to support yours. Join the launch of Rural Opportunities in a Post-Covid World on Monday, January 24th.

The conference will also provide the latest information and insights on the pressing issues you face every day including:

  • Affordable housing and homelessness
  • Broadband connectivity
  • Climate change
  • Changing labour force
  • Health care and community well being
  • Poverty reduction
  • Indigenous relations
  • Learn more about ROMA 2022

Provincial Leaders Come to ROMA
Last Major Virtual Gathering of Provincial and Municipal Leaders before 2022 Provincial Election

ROMA 2022 is a key opportunity to advance the needs of rural municipalities. Hear from the Premier, Cabinet Ministers and provincial party leaders as they present their vision for Ontario and how they will approach the municipal relationship.

There will be two Ministers’ Forums. The ROMA Board, along with NOMA and FONOM representatives will also take part in a consultation with the Premier on affordable housing.
In the Zone
ROMA is the rural arm of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO). ROMA’s Board is comprised of 10 Zone representatives. It also includes members of the AMO Board’s Rural Caucus. This structure ensures geographic representation through the Zones, as well as strong links into AMO’s advocacy on behalf of the entire municipal sector.

Listening to regional needs and priorities is a top priority for ROMA’s Zone representatives. Each will host a virtual networking session on Monday January 24th. The Zone networking sessions are an opportunity to foster discussion and gain insight into ROMA’s work and priorities.

Check out the ROMA Zone Map. Find contact info for each Zone Representative below.
Board Zone Contacts

  • Zone 1: Dennis Crevits, Councillor, Municipality of Central Elgin
  • Zone 2: Chris White, Mayor, Township of Guelph-Eramosa
  • Zone 3: Lloyd Ferguson, Councillor, City of Hamilton
  • Zone 4: Allan Thompson, Immediate Past Chair, AMO Rural Caucus, Mayor, Town of Caledon
  • Zone 5: Pam Sayne, Councillor, Township of Minden Hills
  • Zone 6: Kim Love, Mayor, Township of Madawaska Valley
  • Zone 7: Cameron Wales, Councillor, City of Brockville
  • Zone 8: Eli El-Chantiry, First Vice Chair, Councillor, City of Ottawa
  • Zone 9: Bill Vrebosch, AMO Rural Caucus, Councillor, City of North Bay
  • Zone 10: Janet Hager, Councillor, Municipality of Red Lake

AMO Rural Caucus Members

  • Robin Jones, ROMA Chair, Mayor, Village of Westport
  • Christine Robinson, 2nd Vice Chair, Mayor, Municipality of West Grey
  • Peter Emon, Reeve, Town of Renfrew
  • Christa Lowry, Mayor, Municipality of Mississippi Mills
  • Sandra Datars Bere, CAO, Corporation of the County of Bruce

Wishing you a safe, healthy and happy holiday season from ROMA

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