June ROMA Board Meeting Highlights

ROMA Updates

The ROMA Board met in Prince Edward County this month, providing an opportunity to learn about creative local initiatives that are helping to address challenges like housing, economic development and social services: 

  • Thrive Prince Edward County shared how it is working to revitalize community and economic development initiatives in the County through strong partnerships and a collaborative organization.  
  • Representatives from the Prince Edward County Affordable Housing Corporation, which has a community-driven Board, spoke to how the organization is spearheading a number of creative rural housing solutions and developments.  
  • The Board toured Base 31, a decommissioned WWII air training base that has been transformed into a community and arts hub. A community partnership bought the 70-acre site to create a mixed-use development with living art installations and an events space. This partnership bring together a broad array of local experts from affordable housing, and commercial and retail to infrastructure and adapting heritage sites. 

The AMO Conference is just around the corner and ROMA is looking forward to hosting a booth. Please come by for a visit. 

To learn more about the June  meeting, please watch the ROMA Board Chair Video

You can stay in touch with ROMA via our website, or by following us on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn.  

*DISCLAIMER:  Any documents attached are final versions. ROMA assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with this electronic version. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record.

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